
Leaving the rat race - Part 5

How to leave the rat race

Uwe Friedrichsen

9 minute read

Bee on a sun flower <p>In the <a href="/blog/leaving_the_rat_race_4/">previous post</a> we discussed the actual strengths of humans and how the FOMO <sup id="fnref:1"><a href="#fn:1" class="footnote-ref" role="doc-noteref">1</a></sup> cycle tends to play against it.</p>

Leaving the rat race - Part 4

Anti-patterns and the actual strengths of humans

Uwe Friedrichsen

12 minute read

Single withered leaf waiting to fall down <p>In the <a href="/blog/leaving_the_rat_race_3/">previous post</a> we discussed that most of the “innovation” hype is nothing but a distraction from our actual problems.</p>