Software Engineering

ChatGPT already knows - Part 6

The need to be rebellious and the path ahead

Uwe Friedrichsen

10 minute read

Blue macaw walking on the ground <p>In the <a href="/blog/chatgpt_already_knows_5/">previous post</a>, we discussed what it needs to become a “full-range engineer” and have seen that this is quite different from what software engineers often strive for today. However, the idea of a full-range engineer is focused on creating more value in a highly complex, uncertain and ambiguous environment and thus also improving our value.</p>

ChatGPT already knows - Part 5

Becoming a 'full-range engineer'

Uwe Friedrichsen

11 minute read

Sleeping collared peccaries <p>In the <a href="/blog/chatgpt_already_knows_4/">previous post</a>, we examined how the omnipresent hyper-specialization in IT pushes software engineers into areas of human weaknesses and how nerd culture (involuntarily) reinforces the push. We also collected a little list of ideas how we can position ourselves as software engineers, aligned with humans strengths, preserving our value as software engineers in the face of modern AI solutions.</p>